RTI maintains, services and repairs of all types, all manufacturers and all models of HVAC equipment, without any preference. RTI will provide recommendations which we feel are in your best interest from both performance requirements and budget parameters when servicing or repairing your equipment. Ultimately, your decision is the final word.
Water Source Heat Pumps
Cooling Towers
Evaporative Coolers
Package Unit Systems
Split Unit Systems
We usually don’t give our HVAC systems too much thought until they fail to provide cooling or heating when we want it. Over time, the lack of a regularly scheduled, comprehensive preventive maintenance program has a high probability of resulting in preventable service call(s). Regularly scheduled HVAC maintenance visits allow RTI technicians to identify potential problems early, which prevent small problems from becoming big problems. RTI always focuses on correcting the root cause of your HVAC problems, rather than focusing only on symptoms, which may be misleading. RTI provides a full spectrum of commercial and industrial HVAC services on all types and brands of equipment throughout our southern California service area.
Professionally Trained and Certified Journeyman HVAC Technicians.
“24/7/365” Response
Preventive Maintenance schedules to suit your facility.
Preventive Maintenance, Service & Repairs for all HVAC manufacturers and equipment types.
No-obligation Energy Consultations and Preventive Maintenance Estimates.
Authorized SDG&E Premium Efficiency Cooling Program Contractor.
Energy Management & Conservation with RTI's Energy Efficiency Program.
Over 12 years of assisting our clients with quality preventive maintenance, service, repairs and energy conservation.
Refrigeration Systems
References Available